Big Day of Big Stuff

Wow – I’m tired.  Started my day at 5:00 and am just getting home.  Had a great weekend at The Star… met A BUNCH of new people and saw some old friends.  Another Big Crowd for Big Stuff.  Our worship team sang Lincoln Brewster’s "Another Hallelujah" (the Shrek song:-) and I LOVE that one.  But my best moment in the morning was in the middle of my talk; I felt my fervency rising and made a little joke about getting worked up, and during the laugh break I could feel all those great folks at The Star connect with the idea that God made them to be BIG STUFF.  It was a weird sensation, but it was wonderful.  For all of you reading this from NorthStar – thanks… you are a joy to pastor.

This afternoon Jen and I spent a good deal of time talking and praying with two wonderful christian young women about some very important decisions they are making.  It is always good to see how God is leading others, and how the complexities of life play out in the lives of Jesus followers around me.

Finally, tonight was our Trunk ‘R Treat… we had over 170 kids and parents attend KidStuff then go trunk to trunk in the parking lot getting candy and having a blast.  We brought jumpy-thingies (moonwalks, jump houses, whatever you call them) into the auditorium and popped a mess of popcorn.  We gave away some cool prizes to the best costumes and decorated vehicles.  One guy showed up in a Lucas Film produced Darth Vader suit valued at over $2000!!!  He won first place.  I dressed up as Wyatt Earp…maybe I should have called Lucas Films.

  Gute Nacht

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